Our church loves spending time together after the official end of the worship gatherings. Here’s some of the things we’ll be doing in the next few weeks:

9月22日 (September 22)

ディスカッション:社会ののけ者・Discussion: Societal Outcasts


In the Bible message for today, we’ll see how Jesus often spent time with people who were rejected by society. Afterwards, let’s discuss what this means for us today. Does Jesus welcome someone like me? If Jesus was here today, who would he spend time with? Let’s think about these sorts of things and learn from each other. Facilitation will be provided in English and Japanese.


9月29日 (September 29)


10月6日 (October 6)

抹茶を知ろう!・Matcha Workshop


Have you ever wanted to learn about matcha? One of our church members who works at a tea company will share how you can get started enjoying this emblematic Kyoto tea. We’ll learn about what matcha is, how to choose matcha, and how to make it, in English and in Japanese. You don’t need to bring anything—hope to see you there!


10月13日 (October 13)

Practice speaking Japanese!・日本語コネクト

Just like in English Connect, we’ll play games using Japanese to practice, improve, and just have fun. Learners of all levels are welcome.