Get to know Jesus! This is what it's all about. Whether this is your first exposure to church and Christianity or whether you have been a Christian for many years, our hope is that you will get to know Jesus. All of our resources, like worship gathering messages, First Steps, and Next Steps, are all about Jesus and available to you for free.
There is a bilingual message each Sunday at the worship gatherings. We learn from the Bible about Jesus and apply it to our lives. Check out past messages below.
ヨハネの手紙・The Letters of John
When we first put faith in Jesus, we begin a life of walking with God. Yet this doesn’t immediately dispel concerns. Is what I believed actually correct? Does the way I live please God? What does it even look like to live life with God? Through the letters of John, Jesus offers confidence and encouragement to those of us who have these kinds of concerns. John sent three letters to Christians who were shaken by false teaching and factions in order to encourage them to have confidence in truth, in love, and in doing what is right. In this series, we’ll learn through his letters what it means to live life with God, so that we too can have confidence as we walk with Him.
神のストーリーを生きる・Living Out God's Story
When we follow Jesus, we become part of God’s grand story. God’s plan goes far beyond our short lifespans. From the beginning to the end of history, to the ends of the earth, God’s power reigns. The gospel invites us into this vast narrative of God. What does it mean for me, an individual follower of Jesus, and for us as a single church, to believe and live out this story of God? Let’s start 2025 by believing that we are living out the grand story of God—whose priorities go far beyond our likes and dislikes.
真の王を迎える・Let Earth Receive the King
Christmas is a celebration of the light of hope breaking into this world. In the midst of oppressive darkness, the prophet Isaiah proclaimed that light would come from God—the birth of a baby boy. Astonishingly, this child would establish God’s kingdom with justice and righteousness, bringing endless peace. Isaiah described this child with four extraordinary names: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. This Christmas, let us reflect on these four names and learn about who Jesus Christ is and how He transforms our lives, as the world’s true King born for us. Together, let us receive Jesus, the true King.
偽りの王・Pretender Kings
Why are we so tired? Why does it feel so hard to find true and profound fulfillment? Lies about “how to be happy” and “what a good life looks like” are widespread in our society, and we often believe and live according to them, making things other than God the kings of our lives. But in so doing, we miss out on the true freedom that God wants to give us. In this message series, we’ll take a look at the idols that may have taken up residence in our hearts and turn our attention to the gospel truth that actually brings us real freedom.
イエスとの食事・At the Table with Jesus
If God were to become a human, how would he spend his time? A lot of it he’d spend eating! Jesus ate and drank with marginalized people, with powerful, hostile people, and with his own disciples. In the Gospel of Luke, there are so many scenes of meals that one theologian described reading it as “eating through Luke’s gospel.” The people who we choose to share a table with can create and enforce insider and outsider status. Yet meals also have the power to break down these boundaries and bring people together. Jesus’ table is an open invitation to sinners—to those who need him. Ultimately, eating with Jesus is spending time with God. And Jesus is inviting you to this table as well.
波瀾万丈・Ups and Downs
Following the one true living God is often very eventful, and it can feel like life is just wave after wave of challenges. In this series, through the story of the prophet Elijah we will learn about the difficulties that come with following God, as well as the power of God who faithfully supports us through it all. No matter how rough the sea may become, our God remains faithful in our lives, and so we respond by continuing to trust him.
キリストにある平和の生き方・Living in Harmony in Christ
How does a Christian live life? In Ephesians 1-3, we read all sorts of amazing things that God has done for us. As Christians who have received God’s blessings and become part of God’s family, how does that affect the way we treat our families, how we do our jobs, and how we interact with those around us? The gospel changes every part of our lives, filling us with love, truth, and peace. Let’s learn from Ephesians 4-6 and live out a life transformed by the gospel!
キリストにある神の家族・The Family of God in Christ
世界中で人間は壁を作っています。人種の壁、民族の壁、身分の壁…一番初めの人類が罪を選んだときに、神との平和の関係が壊れ、人間同士の平和の関係も壊れてしまいました。私たち全員が心に人間関係からくる傷を抱えています。エペソ人への手紙の初めの部分では、キリストにあって私たちの神との平和の関係が回復したという良い知らせを学びました。そして、神の祝福はそれだけにとどまりません。キリストの十字架は私たち人間同士の壁も打ち壊す力を持つものです。神はキリストにあって、自然の状態では敵対し合う私たちを、神の家族として集めてくださっています。エペソ人への手紙シリーズ・Part 2として、教会がキリストにあって「神の家族」、「神の住まい」であることのすごさを学び、神を賛美しましょう。
Everyone builds walls—walls of race, ethnicity, social status, and on and on. When the first humans chose to sin, destroying their peace with God, they also destroyed the peace they had enjoyed with each other. And there’s no one who hasn’t been wounded through a broken relationship. But we learn from the first part of Ephesians that in Christ, our peace with God is restored. And God’s blessing reaches even further. Christ’s death has the power to break through the walls that humans make between each other. Though if left to ourselves we would be at odds with each other, in Christ God graciously gathers us together as his family. In this second part of our series in Ephesians, we’ll learn about the amazing family and dwelling of God in Christ, and respond with praise.
キリストにある祝福・Blessed in Christ
What are mere humans to God? In this world, an individual Christian or a single church gathering are rather small things. However, the Letter to the Ephesians begins by declaring the great blessings that the triune God has given in Christ to such small beings as us. Paul describes this as “every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.” When we come to a real understanding of the blessings we have received, we can’t help but praise the glory of God!
聖書の祈り・Prayers of the Bible
How many people are currently satisfied with their prayer life? Most Christians understand the importance of prayer, but in reality, many find themselves unable to pray as they would like. What should I pray? When is the right time to pray? How much should I pray? We have all kinds of questions about prayer. What we find in the Bible is that those who know God pray in all sorts of situations. Prayer is a connection to our loving God that brings us joy. As we learn about prayer from the Bible in this message series, we want to actually practice a life of prayer as well. Let’s start by praying for our families, ourselves, those who don’t know God, and the family of believers in the church.
イエスの使命に生きる教会・Church on Mission
Who is a Christian's lord; who is our church's lord? Our Lord is Jesus Christ. And he has a mission for each of us and for this church. So what does it look like to live for his mission? In this series we'll look at five concrete ways to live out and join in his mission together as his disciples and as his church.
約束を待ち望む・Awaiting the Promise
Gift exchanges, cookies, lights—there really is no time like Christmas. But the joy doesn’t last past the season. When the holidays end, we wake up from the dreamworld and reality returns. However, one can find a more certain and everlasting hope in the true meaning of Christmas—a celebration of the promise of God’s salvation that came through Jesus. This merry Christmas, let’s rejoice together in Jesus’ arrival through the stories of the women who looked forward to God’s salvation.
圧倒的な神の救い・The Victorious Salvation of God
We are troubled by past mistakes, suffer from our current inadequacies, and harbor anxieties about the future. However, when we believe in Jesus, our lives are made to be "in Christ Jesus", and Christ's Spirit, the Spirit of God Himself, dwells within us. Paul says that though we groan and suffer, in Jesus we are more than conquerors. In this series, we will explore what the salvation promised by God in Romans 8 is all about.
The Cross of Jesus: The Gospel According to Matthew
Jesus came in order to save his people from sin. How is this salvation accomplished? Some people plotted to kill Jesus, one disciple betrayed him, and the other disciples abandoned him and fled. In the midst of all this, in accordance with God’s will Jesus steadfastly advanced toward the cross. This brings us to the final part of the Gospel of Matthew. What are the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus saying to us?
Lament: Hope in Darkness
Sorrow and suffering are part of our lives. Even when we know God, there are times when all we can do is grieve and cry out for some kind of answer. In the midst of our confusion and sadness, God invites us to come to him. He guides us to not close ourselves off to him, but to open up to him about our honest feelings. In this series, through the Psalms of Lament we will explore how to express our sorrows and sufferings to God and learn how he responds in turn.
The Humble King Jesus: The Gospel According to Matthew
What would your life be like as a citizen in a king’s kingdom? Jesus came to the world as the king of God’s kingdom, but not in the form that most people imagined. As the king who humbled himself and came to the world, Jesus pointed out the error of people who thought they would enter God’s kingdom by their own righteousness, and by grace joyfully welcomed those who came to him in humility. Through this fifth section of Matthew’s gospel account, we’ll look at who can follow Jesus as his disciples and be welcomed as citizens into God’s kingdom.
イースター・Easter 2023
The Identity of Jesus: The Gospel According to Matthew
“Who is Jesus?” This is the major question in the fourth section of Matthew’s account of the gospel. In the various stories of Jesus’ actions and teachings written here, we see how different Jesus was from who and what people expected him to be. In the same way, as we read this gospel, we hear the call to discard our assumptions about Jesus—the person he is, what he does for us—and instead listen to what he has to say about himself.
Christmas: The Gift of Jesus
While there is a lot to enjoy about the Christmas season, the best part of Christmas is Jesus. Jesus is God’s gift to the world. The Bible says that God loved the world so much he gave us his Son Jesus so that we might have life in him.
This series will look at four passages where the New Testament unpacks the gift of Jesus for us.
Minor Prophets: Big Message
旧約聖書で神の民であるイスラエルが、神からも神に従う生き方からも離れてしまった時、神は彼らを呼び戻すために預言者たちを遣わしました。預言者は、未来に起こることを予言することもありましたが、その主な役割は神の民に神の言葉を伝えることでした。偶然にも、ヘブル語で預言者はנָבִיא (ナビ)と呼ばれています。預言者たちはナビのように神の民を神に従う生き方へと導く存在でした。
The Christian life is all about living in relationship with God and following his way. But sometimes we get off track and need a mid course correction. We take wrong turns and detours that lead us away from God and his way. God speaks to us through his Word and by his Spirit to lead us back on the course of walking with him and following his way.
Likewise, in the Old Testament, when God’s people the Israelites strayed from God and his way God sent them prophets to lead them back. Though the prophets in the Bible occasionally addressed future events, they were primarily people who spoke God’s message to God’s people. Coincidentally, the Hebrew word for prophet is נָבִיא nāvî—and that is what the prophets were like, a navigation system for pointing God’s people back to God and his way.
Today we have the message of Old Testament prophets recorded in the Bible. God continues to guide us as his people toward himself and back toward his way through their message.
Q & A
We can go to a lot of places to look for answers to our questions—Google, friends, mentors. But the one we really want to ask is God. He is the maker and designer of the world and the Bible is his revelation of truth.
In this series we give the Bible’s answers to questions asked by people in our church community.
The (in)visible Kingdom of Jesus: The Gospel according to Matthew
In the third section of Matthew’s Gospel (chapters 11-13) Jesus’ announcement of the kingdom is met with various responses: some question, others doubt, and some reject. What do to various reactions to Jesus (both then and now) mean about Jesus and the kingdom? Jesus declared that the kingdom of God had arrived with him. Jesus’ kingdom is present on this earth today. This section shows us what it looks like and tells us how we can see it.
The Work of Jesus: The Gospel according to Matthew
In the second section of Matthew’s Gospel (chapters 8-10) Jesus begins to demonstrate his authority on earth as the True King of God’s Kingdom through miracles and signs. These wonders demonstrated that God’s Kingdom had arrived through Jesus. Jesus is still at work in the world today. He invites his people to join him in his work of spreading the goodness of God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
The Way of Jesus: The Gospel according to Matthew
In the first section of Matthew’s Gospel (chapters 1-7) describes the birth and family lineage of Jesus of Nazareth. He is the long awaited King, the descendent of Abraham and David that will finally save humanity from the brokenness and corruption of sin. Jesus begins preaching the good news of the kingdom—that God is going to restore the world. A new genesis has begun. Jesus calls a new humanity and teaches them how to live truly human—by love for God and others. This is the way of Jesus; it is how someone lives on this earth if God is their king. Jesus invites us to follow his way today.
喜びを選ぼう:ピリピ人への手紙の学び Choose Joy. : A study in Philippians
Philippians is a letter written by the Apostle Paul to the Christians in a church he started in the city of Philippi. There is more “joy” per page than any other part of the Bible. Paul both expresses his own joy and encourages Christians to rejoice in the Lord. This is a surprising theme considering Paul actually wrote this letter from prison. Yet this letter teaches us that joy is not dependent on our circumstances; joy is a choice. The joy that comes from Jesus goes deeper than emotions. Joy is possible on the good days and the bad days, through tears and through laughter. In Christ we can CHOOSE JOY in any and every circumstance in life.
Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus--the Son of God coming into the world to save us from sin and reconcile us to God. The good news of Christmas is for everyone.
信仰の旅:レビ記・民数記・申命記の学び The Journey of Faith: A Study in Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy
Life is a journey. Sometimes we know the way, and other times we don’t. Sometimes it’s easy and many times it’s not. Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy recounts the journey of God’s people, the recently liberated Israelites, as they tried to follow God’s way toward the land God promised them. They made many mistakes but God remained faithful. We too have failed to follow God. But though Israel and we have failed, Jesus Christ succeeded. The Israelites’ journey is an example of how we can travel the journey of life through faith in Jesus Christ.
イエスキリストの良い知らせ:ヨハネの福音書 The Good News of Jesus Christ: According to John
What if the eternal, all-knowing, all-powerful creator and author of life stepped into this world? What if he became a human and entered into normal life? What would he do? What would he say? And what would compel him to do this?
God became human and lived among us—his name is Jesus. John, the author of this gospel, met him, saw him, heard him, touched him, and lived life with him. John wants to tell you about him so that you might believe and by believing you may have life in Jesus.
A look at how the Bible speaks to us and how we live life everyday during a global pandemic.
イースター Easter 2020
Five Churches Celebrate Easter Together!
The Good News of Jesus Christ: According to John
What if the eternal, all-knowing, all-powerful creator and author of life stepped into this world? What if he became a human and entered into normal life? What would he do? What would he say? And what would compel him to do this?
God became human and lived among us—his name is Jesus. John, the author of this gospel, met him, saw him, heard him, touched him, and lived life with him. John wants to tell you about him so that you might believe and by believing you may have life in Jesus.
出エジプト記:自由 Exodus: FREEDOM
We were slaves to sin until Jesus set us free. Yet we are prone to turn back to that which once enslaved us (Galatians 4:9)—sins, false religions, philosophies, human traditions, passions, pleasures, and legalistic works of the law. For freedom Christ has set us free! How does God liberate us from various forms of slavery and what does a life of freedom in Christ look like?
GENESIS: God’s Story・Our Story
Genesis is the story of humanity—our beginning, our fall, our hope, our struggle and journey of life. But this story reveals so much more than our story, it is God’s story. It shows us God’s glory—his plan, God’s faithfulness, love, grace, providence, compassion, and justice. Our story reveals God’s glory.
A study through "The Letter to the Colossians" from the Bible.
We want to grow spiritually. We feel the negative effects of spiritual immaturity: dissatisfaction, lack of joy, stress, inability to forgive, problems in relationships... But God's good plan for us is GROWTH. What is spiritual growth? And how do we grow? Let's find out what it means to GROW in maturity in Jesus as we study the Bible together!
Psalms is a book of songs in the Bible written by worshippers of God 3000 years ago. In the Psalms, you can find a song for almost every emotion in life--from praise to lament. These songs teach us about God and how to live, love, and worship. And these songs lead us to abundant life in Jesus!
イースター Easter
Everything in Jesus’ life, everything in Bible, and everything in history anticipated one event—the cross of Jesus Christ. In this final section of the Gospel According to Luke we investigate the final events of Jesus’ life, learn about his death on the cross, celebrate his resurrection and find out how this changes our lives forever. (Luke 20-24)
イエスと共に歩む Walking With Jesus
Jesus invites everyone to follow him and become his disciple. But to what kind of life does Jesus invite us? And what must we leave behind? Being a Christian is walking with Jesus in life. This is the third series investigating the life of Jesus in the Gospel According to Luke. (Luke 9-19)
イエスに出会う Encountering Jesus
Encountering Jesus—his way, his teaching, his mission, he himself—we are changed. This is the second series investigating the life of Jesus in the Gospel According to Luke. (Luke 3-8)
みんなのためのクリスマス Christmas for Everyone
Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus--the Son of God coming into the world to save us from sin and reconcile us to God. The good news of Christmas is for everyone. This is the first of four series investigating the life of Jesus in The Gospel According to Luke. (Luke 1-2)
神様の栄光のため To Glorify God
The Mission of Mustard Seed Network is to glorify God by making disciples through planting gospel-centered churches in urban Japan.
希望の実現 Hope Realized
We have real problems in our lives. But what hope is there? Hope became reality at the cross of Jesus Christ. This six-part message series explores what Jesus accomplished at the cross and how that affects our lives today.
人生の計画案 Blueprint
What direction should I go? How do I know which way is best? God has a plan for your life. And his plan is best! This series explores the book of Nehemiah to see how we can discern, follow, and thrive in God’s plan for our life.
マルコの福音書 The Gospel of Mark
Who is Jesus?" "What does that mean for my life today?" The Gospel of Mark is a historically reliable account of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. For over six months we investigated the identity of Jesus and saw how he changes our lives for the better forever.