Minor Prophets: Big Message

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旧約聖書で神の民であるイスラエルが、神からも神に従う生き方からも離れてしまった時、神は彼らを呼び戻すために預言者たちを遣わしました。預言者は、未来に起こることを予言することもありましたが、その主な役割は神の民に神の言葉を伝えることでした。偶然にも、ヘブル語で預言者はנָבִיא (ナビ)と呼ばれています。預言者たちはナビのように神の民を神に従う生き方へと導く存在でした。


The Christian life is all about living in relationship with God and following his way. But sometimes we get off track and need a mid course correction. We take wrong turns and detours that lead us away from God and his way. God speaks to us through his Word and by his Spirit to lead us back on the course of walking with him and following his way.

Likewise, in the Old Testament, when God’s people the Israelites strayed from God and his way God sent them prophets to lead them back. Though the prophets in the Bible occasionally addressed future events, they were primarily people who spoke God’s message to God’s people. Coincidentally, the Hebrew word for prophet is נָבִיא nāvî—and that is what the prophets were like, a navigation system for pointing God’s people back to God and his way.

Today we have the message of Old Testament prophets recorded in the Bible. God continues to guide us as his people toward himself and back toward his way through their message.